zaterdag 21 december 2013


Heey everyone,

This are all the ask's and answers.

1: If you could be another person for a day, who would you be than? Answer: I would like to be Kristen Stewart for a day. She is very well known (twilight saga by Stefanie Meyer) and I am very curious about how her day would be.

2: How did you get there on come to create a blog? Answer: My sister had already created a blog ( ) and I already had a blog ( ) but that is in the Dutch and I liked it to blog about care products. I write him in the English, and then my English will be better soon.

3: Would you date yourself if you were someone else? Answer: I think I would. ... But you think always that everyone you more fun than nice find. So it's a tricky question...

4: What is your favorite care product (body lotion, lip balm, perfume, shower products etc.) Answer: I love very much of shower products.

5: What are your favourite shops? Answer: To be honest: the free record shop. I love buy games and buy movies.

6: Instrument? Answer: I don't play a instrument?

7: What's your favourite music band? Answer: Favorite band: The scrips favorite singer: Marco Bosato

8: What's your real name? Answer: Mara

9: Do you wear make up every day? Answer: Yes, but only mascara

10: Have you got a boyfriend? What's his name? Answer: Have you done dirty things with him? No but I do like someone.

11: Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner? Answer: The guy I like ;p

12: Name three things you have never done, but would like to do? Answer: 1: join the postcode lottery ;) 2: Buy an Imac 3: join with The Voice Of Holland

13: If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do? Answer: Go to the cashier and reporting.

14: What makes you nervous? Answer: It is a little bit wird but Creepers, Skeletons and Spiders on minecraft...

15:  What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays? Answer: I would like books like (the hunger games, the loard of the rings and  "Het leven van een loser".)

This is the end of this post. I hope you liked it!

Byee xx Mara

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