donderdag 26 december 2013

Naar het Nederlands

Heey iedereen,

Ik ga toch mijn blog in het Nederlands doen.
Het is makkelijker en het gaat sneller.
Ik ben nu bezig met een post maken over mijn favoriete boeken.

Xx Mara

zaterdag 21 december 2013


Heey everyone,

This are all the ask's and answers.

1: If you could be another person for a day, who would you be than? Answer: I would like to be Kristen Stewart for a day. She is very well known (twilight saga by Stefanie Meyer) and I am very curious about how her day would be.

2: How did you get there on come to create a blog? Answer: My sister had already created a blog ( ) and I already had a blog ( ) but that is in the Dutch and I liked it to blog about care products. I write him in the English, and then my English will be better soon.

3: Would you date yourself if you were someone else? Answer: I think I would. ... But you think always that everyone you more fun than nice find. So it's a tricky question...

4: What is your favorite care product (body lotion, lip balm, perfume, shower products etc.) Answer: I love very much of shower products.

5: What are your favourite shops? Answer: To be honest: the free record shop. I love buy games and buy movies.

6: Instrument? Answer: I don't play a instrument?

7: What's your favourite music band? Answer: Favorite band: The scrips favorite singer: Marco Bosato

8: What's your real name? Answer: Mara

9: Do you wear make up every day? Answer: Yes, but only mascara

10: Have you got a boyfriend? What's his name? Answer: Have you done dirty things with him? No but I do like someone.

11: Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner? Answer: The guy I like ;p

12: Name three things you have never done, but would like to do? Answer: 1: join the postcode lottery ;) 2: Buy an Imac 3: join with The Voice Of Holland

13: If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do? Answer: Go to the cashier and reporting.

14: What makes you nervous? Answer: It is a little bit wird but Creepers, Skeletons and Spiders on minecraft...

15:  What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays? Answer: I would like books like (the hunger games, the loard of the rings and  "Het leven van een loser".)

This is the end of this post. I hope you liked it!

Byee xx Mara

zondag 15 december 2013

Heey everyone,

I have got created. You can ask things you wanna know. If I have 20 questions (or more) I make a post with the questions and the answers.  My Twitter account tweet the questions that have been there. ( @LoveCareProduct ). I keep posting and if there are enough questions than I post that post with questions and answers.

Byee xx Mara

Christmas tag!

Hey everyone
As I said am I doing in this post a Christmas tag! And I found this tag on so I thought I'd do one too because it's almost Christmas!

A real or a fake christmas three?

A real! I have all the Christmas miss a real Christmas tree. It is a kind of a tradition:). They pricks but it smells good like Christmas and I have something with it.\

Favourite christmas song?

Sure Mistletoe by Justin Bieber. I'm not really a real fan of Justin Bieber but that song is really nice!

Favourite christmas film?

I don't have a lot of Christmas movies seen. I have seen two that I can remember and that was Nico. It's about a reindeer who has no father because that sits in the Christmas brigade. It's a bit childish but I got it ever seen on tv.  And I have even seen a movie and who was called Christmas Eve. It was a fun movie. Long time since I've seen that so am a bit forgotten how that movie went

Party with friends or stay at home with your family during christmas?

Stay at home with my family. I have one brother and two sisters. I celebrate Christmas Eve at my mom. Christmas day at my father. Second day we celebrate not really. Not really special to me.

Eat in a restaurant or cook yourself at christmas?

I can't cook. Yes my parents Cook. With Christmas are we always eat at home. We always eat fondue with Christmas Eve and second christmas day I have no idea. Always a surprise!

Eyesshadow at christmas: silver or gold?

I wear brown eyeshadow. Gold eyeshadow looks almost the same, so I think gold.

Christmasparty: organise or visit?

Be invited for sure! Am not good at organising.

Favourite present to get?

I love Playstation Games. Gta, Rathet and Clank, minecraft or the Sims 2. It's a bit boyish but I don't like so of those girls games.

White christmas: yes or no?
Yes for sure! What is Christmas without snow? But in Netherlands is almost never a white snow :(
What are the colors in your christmas three? 
Red and gold, we have had that every year. In my own Christmas tree are colors of purple and pink :)

Favourite christmas-candy?

Chocolate for sure! I realy love chocolate!

Dresses or warm sweater?

I hate dresses. When I was 4 I wore only dresses. For me a warm sweater.

Get up early or sleep as long as possible during the christmas days?

Wellllllll just let me sleep. I find Christmas super nice but I prefer sleep.

Give or get presents?
Of course get. I'm really not stingy, because if I buy a Christmas gift, it is also always around fifteen or twenty euros. I find it very nice to give gifts to make someone happy.

This was my chirstmas tag.
I hope you liked it! follow me also on twitter @lovecareproduct

Byee xx Mara

zaterdag 14 december 2013


Hey everyone,
As I said in my previous post, I'm going to make a post about zwitsal :) but the smell is indescribable well. The smell is very nice

This is my collection. I borrowed ' Breath free' ' and 'rich oil' from my sister  :) some things are double :p

These are all skin care products. Body lotions, soft cream and rich oil.

 These are 3 body lotions. They are very gentle on your skin. It smells really good. The only difference is the large and price: 400 ml: 5,30 200 ml: 3,00 75 ml: 1,80.

The creme's are actually better. The jar is 200 ml and it costs: 3.00. The tube is 100 ml and that cost: 2,80. The jar is more cheaper.

 Your skin is very soft by ' rich oil '! It is not firmly and it is not a tube but Dutch people will understand me: plat  so you do it not easy on your skin.

 This wascrèmes are for under the shower they seem the same but one is soap free. The one is without soap (is also transparent) and the other is with soap and is white. Price: about 2.50

The soap is actually quite normal. My hands are dry from it ... The price I don't know :(

I like this one better than the SOAP. Mine is a bit old but he does well:) he smells also very delicious. A little bit different than the real body lotions. Price: 2.90

I have never used the shampoo but I do have heard that your hair there of from drying out. (Sorry if that was a bad sense :p) It is only for babies. I got it because then I have the collection complete :) (except talcum powder) also this has a different smell than the body lotions. But it smells good. Price: 2.30

This is a an ordinary hand SOAP. The SOAP smells good. Not something special. A foul odor is going to be fine! Price: 2.70

This is not mine but my sister:) I myself find it a bit to sauna air smells. It says that it smells like eucalyptus and chamomile. Honestly: I have no idea to what that smells :p haha if you have a cold is this good for your nose because your nose will go open or something. It's for in the shower and bath. Price: 4,30

 This is a massage oil. It is quite very very greasy. It doesn't smell really like zwitsal. More to the lavender side. It's there so for massaging your baby, which I find a bit strange :p price: 4.50

This perfume smells not really to zwitsal of the body lotion but it can. Price: 15,-

A cell phone cover. An iPhone 5 fits not in :( smaller phones though. And a notebook.  You can get this into a zwitsal package with wash gel, a jar and a body lotion. You can get or a notebook or a cell phone cover. You may choose. Price: about 8,-

I got this at a store when I bought three zwitsal things. There may be 6 bottles zwitsal in.

This was the end of my post. Sorry everyone have a lot of homework. My next post become a christmas tag.

Byeee xx Mara

donderdag 5 december 2013


Hi everyone,
Today I do my post about body lotions.
I'm going to show a few body lotions and one butter scrub.

Smell: floral, Orange, fresh
rice: 14 euros 
Note: He smells very good and the smell stays on your skin. I recommend it for sure.


Smell: nature-like, not really like roses 
Price: 14 euros
Note: I don't realy like the smell. It doesn't smell really like roses.

Smell: doesn't really have a smell
Price: 2,25 euros (150 ml)
Note: Nivea is very very good for dry skin!

Smell: floral, fresh
Price: 7,10
Note: the cream smells really delicious. It's soft and absorbs quickly

Smell:  zwitsal;) it has its own smell. That smell is very delicious
Price: 400 ml: 5,30 200 ml: 3,00 75 ml: 1,80
Note: the body lotion of zwitsal smells very nice. It is for babies but I still use it. You have a lot of products. I will make a post about it once.

Smell: zwitsal ;)
Price: 100 ml: 2,80
Note: (Sorry for all the people who speak English but this sentence I couldn't translate well) Deze bodylotion trekt wat sneller in in je huid. 

Smell: zwitsal :)
Price: 200 ml: 3.00
Note: the pot is actually the same as the tube but the pot is 100 ml larger and but 0.20 more expensive.

Smell: Orange, plant-like
Price: 250 ml: 5.05 400 ml: 7.00
Note: this body lotion smells really delicious.

 Smell: He smells like the perfume Nina Ricci
Price: 200 ml: 28.00
Note: this body lotion smells very nice.

Smell: Green Vally,  fresh
Price: 200 ml: 30.00
Note: it is not a body lotion but a butter scrub. But he makes your hands really soft and he smells very nice. 

This is the end of my post :)
 Almost forgot also follow our twitter account and then tweet when something new on my blog ( @LoveCareProduct  ) And see also the blog of my sister :) ( ) She also has a twitter account ( @HappybeautyLL

Byee xx Mara

dinsdag 3 december 2013


Heey everyone,

I thought it was more fun to blog about everything and not a special thing.
Tomorrow I will see if I can post about body lotions.

Byee xx Mara

maandag 2 december 2013

I am Mara

Hello everyone,

I am Mara, 12  years old but my English is not quite right (:
I'm pretty young but make up interest me very much. And I'm also a big fan of body lotions!
I have created this blog because I very love of skincare
I'm from The Netherlands and I will try to write English as well as possible because I translate the most on so there may be bugs in it.
I will try to post as much as possible but I also have school and homework. But I will do my best!
I will especially many posts about body lotions (I myself am very much fan of zwitsal) and make up. 

Byee xx Mara